Archive for the ‘Beans’ Tag

Macro Coffee Beans   16 comments

Check out these laptop cooler images:

Macro Coffee Beans
laptop cooler
I roast my own coffee beans and love coffee and used to shoot microstock (and may get back to it) so I’ve taken a LOT of pictures of coffee beans. Almost all were with nice soft light and a white background if there was one.

I wanted to do the opposite so I did a ‘photo shoot’ of a bean in the foreground and three in the background. Then I kept adding beans. I kept having one bean as the focus. I spontaneously thought of putting one bean on top of a layer of beans. This was nice because creativity isn’t my strength.

I used a larger aperture for this one to make it stand out, and it looks good, but I wish I would have used a smaller one. At this close it still would have been the only thing in focus and the whole bean might have been sharp.

I used an old White Lightning 600 with originally with a honeycomb grid spot for hard light and to keep it from spilling and bouncing off other things, and tried some with an umbrella. I happened to like the umbrella picture only because I used a little smaller aperture on this frame and liked the arrangement the best although I should have turned the bean toward the camera more. (The setup picture shows the grid spot.)

This is the first time I tethered the camera to a laptop which was super cool. My bad back was killing me so I didn’t take as much time as I should have to ponder each shot. There are things I don’t like about each ‘setup’ I did.

Next time I will try a silver umbrella kept close to the light source. I think that would work the best.

-Canon XSi tethered using EOS Utility
-Canon 100mm f/2.8 macro
-Hotshoe PC adapter didn’t work so I used on camera flash to fire White Lighting via slave
-White Lightning 600 with shoot through umbrella
-Bogen (now Manfrotto) tripod broken in two places–they aren’t always the best
160th at f/8, ISO 100
Setup picture

View Large On Black

Picture Zealot blog

Mobile Edge ScanFast Messenger Bag
laptop cooler
The Mobile Edge ScanFast Messenger Bag is a Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bag that has been approved by the TSA. Now when traveling through airport security checkpoints you no longer need to remove your laptop. How cool is that?

laptop cooler

Question from a reader:
Question of the day: How to make custom external laptop cooler?
My laptop gets overheated. I wanna make an external laptop cooler using fans and the cooler shall get its energy via USB from the laptop. Does anyone know how to do that?
(How many fans I may use, how to connect the fans to the USB etc.)
I want to make one on my own, because nothing on the market quite answers my needs. So I would like to place the fans just as I need them, so please only answers with directions how to build one, p.s.: thanks you guys, but already know the ones on the market!

Best answer:

Answer by Moderates Unite!
Ive seen these for sale actually. Did you want to try to save money by building one?

Building one wouldnt be that hard, but Im not sure how to run the power to the laptop.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted April 30, 2010 by stanleyjr in Laptop Accessories

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