Archive for the ‘Shake’ Tag

iPod Touch App – Face Shake   Leave a comment

Some cool iPod application images:

iPod Touch App – Face Shake
iPod application
Fun little free app… you take a picture, point out where the eyes are, and then shake your iPod to get various image results. Moderately fun. 🙂

iPod Touch App – Face Shake
iPod application
Fun little free app… you take a picture, point out where the eyes are, and then shake your iPod to get various image results. Moderately fun. 🙂

iPod Touch App – Face Shake
iPod application
Fun little free app… you take a picture, point out where the eyes are, and then shake your iPod to get various image results. Moderately fun. 🙂

Question of the day:
Question of the day: Is there an iPod Touch application that reminds you to bring books back to the library?
I have a chronic problem with not bringing books back to the library and having to pay fines – is there an iPod application that keeps track of your books and reminds you to bring them back? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by nil8_360
If there is a calendar feature just create a new event and have an alarm set 3 days before the books are due back, and again the day before the books are due back.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted April 30, 2010 by stanleyjr in IPod Accessories

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